Our theme this week is Costumes. We will have several read alouds as we explore this topic:
Froggy’s Halloween,Hoot Owl-Master of Disguise, and 10 Trick-or-Treaters- a Halloween Counting Book. We will be practicing our comprehension skills of making connections and predicting.
We will be learning about asking and answering questions, including the use of a question mark. Differentiating between asking a question and making a comment can be a bit tricky for Kinders.
We will continue to work on identifying and generating rhyming words.
This week we begin work in writing that will be part of a PBL (Project Based Learning). Students will be asking and answering questions to get to know each other better. This writing work is likely to span several weeks.
In math, we continue our work with numbers up to 10.
Monday is a busy day with a class trip to the Book Fair and a visit from the Police Department.
Our class will have PE the afternoon of our costume day so please be sure that your child has appropriate shoes for active play.
Our costume parade will take place at 10:45 on Tuesday. Parents are welcome to come to the lunchroom to watch. This makes it so our parade can move smoothly through the classrooms and halls. We do need a parent or two to walk with our class to help make sure we are all moving through the rooms together in our group. These parents will need to be here a few minutes before the parade starts. First two to email me get the gig.
A few notes on costumes: Our principals have asked for no scary masks and have reminded us that costumes must cover us up the same as our uniforms. When using face paint, please be mindful of how much and how long the child will be wearing it, as some children may have a reaction if it is left on for extended amounts of time- you may want to save the paint for evening festivities.
10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, sight words, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names. Please make sure sight words are a small portion of your child's homework each night.
Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.
Monday- C.5 Count using stickers - up to 10
10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, sight words, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names. Please make sure sight words are a small portion of your child's homework each night.
Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.
Monday- C.5 Count using stickers - up to 10
Tuesday -No homework tonight! We hope your family is able to enjoy some seasonal memory making!
C.6 Count on ten frames - up to 10

Skills can be revisited and repeated to increase your child's automaticity.