* fiction vs nonfiction
* purpose
* parts of the book and how they help us get ready for the book
* author/illustrator
* how characters are feeling throughout a story
We also continue our focuses on letter names and sounds, as well as rhyming. We have some fun and valuable rhyming activities centered around the whimsical song Down by the Bay (a personal childhood favorite).
In writing, we are continuing our writing about what we enjoy doing.
In math, we are continuing our work with sorting by attributes and working on the concepts of same number and more than.
We are also really delving into the oh-so-important skills involved in developing strong Habits of Discussion. These are the specific jobs we have as a speaker and as a listener. We will be creating a chart and using hand movements to help us remember to use these skills in our discussions.
These jobs include:
* Look at the audience
* Speak “loud and proud”
* Speak in whole sentences
* Use people’s names
* Track the speaker
* Keep my hands down and still
* Wait until it is my turn to talk
- This is so important: truly listening to what they are saying AND I give them time to think when they need it.
* Time or help?
- This is the question you ask if someone seems to be struggling
- Help is reminders, not just the answer
As we transition into Fall, our weather is fluctuating. Please send in a jacket or sweatshirt with your child- just in case the day turns chilly.
If you get a chance, please collect and send in some colorful leaves. During the week of October 16th, we will be exploring the changing leaves of autumn. I would like to be able to have students observe and sort a variety of real leaves. We are looking for different shapes and colors. We would appreciate any you could contribute to our class. Time spent collecting counts as volunteer time :)
10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names. I strongly recommend having your child sing and act the Zoo Phonics song with you. These animals serve as fun anchors to the all important letters and sounds that we use so much!
Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.
Monday- P.5 Classify and sort by color
10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names. I strongly recommend having your child sing and act the Zoo Phonics song with you. These animals serve as fun anchors to the all important letters and sounds that we use so much!
Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.
Monday- P.5 Classify and sort by color
Tuesday -P.6 Classify and sort by shape
P.7 Classify and sort

Thursday- P.8 Count shapes in a Venn diagram