We have the delightful book Frog on a Log? to help us firm up our rhyming skill this week.
We will be thinking about and connecting to our character's feelings. This involves identifying feelings and thinking about the different experiences we have had with these feelings. We will be carrying over this focus to our writing.
We will also be learning about how different punctuation marks mean that sentences should be read in different ways. A period means that we read with a regular voice, but an exclamation point means that we read with a strong feeling.
We are starting a new unit in math, in which we will be focusing on reading writing, and understanding numbers up to 10.
Students will be participating in their first STEM building challenge this week! This challenge is to create a shady spot for their ice cube and to observe and record the effects of sun and shade.
In hopes of reaching our end of the year goal for mastering sight words, it is ideal for your child to be passing their list every week or two. To pass their list they need to be able to identify the words rather quickly and out of order. I am sharing this goal, not to stress you out, but to let you know that a strong sight word base help builds confident readers and that you can help your child build this foundational skill by visiting these sight words as part of your child's homework routine. Sight word practice lends itself well to various games as well as on-the-go practice. Now that many of us have mastered our letter names and sounds (and the rest of us are closing in on them fast), now is the perfect time to include some quick sight word practice as part of our reading homework time. This need only be 2 or 3 minutes. I recommend making simple index card style flash cards with/for your child as they can be used in so many fun ways.
A few fun things to do with flash cards:
* Use them as passwords for specific places - say to get out of the car or on the fridge to get a snack, etc.
* Play Slap It: Lay out 3 sight words, say a word or spell it out, and the child slaps the correct card. It helps to have the child say and spell the words too. You can switch roles and have them identify words for you or another family member to slap as well.
* Play Move It: Place cards around the room. Give a physical direction and state a sightworde. Some examples- skip over to the word "he", monster stomp to the word "they", tip toe to the word "we".
10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, sight words, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names.
Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.
Monday- C.1 Learn to count to 10
10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, sight words, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names.
Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.
Monday- C.1 Learn to count to 10
Tuesday -C.2 Count to 10
C.3 Count dots - up to 10

Thursday- C.4 Count blocks - up to 10
Skills can be revisited and repeated to increase your child's automaticity.