Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 13- Pigs

This week we will be learning about pigs from a nonfiction text. We will use facts from this text to write a piece of informational writing. There are countless skills that go in to be a strong reader- one that can be difficult is "using text evidence". We want readers to make connections and inferences based off of their own experiences, but we also need them to be able to refer to knowledge gained through others. 

We will also be reading an adaptation of the Three Little Pigs by Mark Teague. In this version, the problem and solution of the story are delightfully different than the traditional tale. We will be really taking note of how the problem and solution of a story often fit together, not unlike puzzle pieces.

We will continue to learn about some more Secret Stories- Sneaky y and oo.

We begin our next science unit on forces and motion this week, by exploring our use of pushes and pulls.

Our math unit continues to compare numbers and amounts, with a special note on figuring out "how many more".

The students will have a STEM challenge on Thursday to build a sturdy house that can withstand the huffing and puffing of the wolf. 

A shout out of gratitude to the lovely parents who were able to send materials in for our upcoming Christmas stations! 
We could still use:
* shaving cream
* spangles and sequins
* volunteers for the stations 

I am looking forward to conferences this Friday. It is so nice to get a chance to sit down and meet with each you!


10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, sight words, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names.

Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.