Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Week 12: Goats

This week we are continuing to work on our retelling skills. We will continue to use these skills as we retell via acting out The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We will also be stretching this skill to use it to retell what we read about in nonfiction books. This requires us to really think about what an author wants us to be learning about. We will be using the informative book Goats are Great.

We will continue our work with syllables- the kiddos are becoming great at listening for and feeling these important word chunks. If you place your fist below your chin, you can feel your jaw bump your fist for each syllable in a word.

This week's featured Secret Story will be: Mama e. This is when Mama e hangs out at the end of a word and encourages a vowel to proudly speak up with their name, such as in words like "game", "home", and "fine".

We will be writing our own story about a troll. We will be focusing on including information about our characters, setting, problem, and solution. Students will get to share their stories with a student from Ms. Vaughn's class on Thursday!

In math, we will be extending our work with numbers 0-10 to include a focus on comparing amounts. This work is crucial to developing a strong foundational number sense.

Conferences are approaching. If you haven't yet signed up for a time slot, please do so at your earliest convenience.

To prepare for this important, but fast paced meeting, please begin to make a list of any questions, concerns, or even just things you want to comment on. We have so little time to talk about your child specifically I really want us to be able to maximize our time together. 

The winter holidays are also approaching. I am thinking that we will do activity centers for our celebration, much like we did for Halloween. These would take place on our last day before Winter Break, Thursday the 21st of December, 8:15 to 9:45. I could use some parents to run stations. I could also use some help gathering the following supplies:
* multicolored craft sticks (small)
* green SOLO style plastic cups
* glitter glue
* spangles/sequins
* pompoms
* shaving cream
I could also use a parent or two to whip up some Christmas/Winter themed sensory bins. 


10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, sight words, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names.

Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.

Wednesday- G.3 Fewer and more - compare by counting

Thursday- G.4 Fewer and more - compare in a mixed group

Skills can be revisited and repeated to increase your child's automaticity.