Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Week 22- President of the USA

This week, we have a Social Studies focus on the President of the United States. We will read a nonfiction text that describes the roles and responsibilities of the position. We will also get to know Duck as a character who runs for office. We will be practicing the skills of sharing information, retelling, and comparing and contrasting. The students will be placing votes in a class ballot box to determine a fun activity for the following week.

Our shape unit wraps up this week and includes many opportunities for building flat and solid shapes. If you are able to send in some miniature marshmallows and/or toothpicks, it would be greatly appreciated. (We could also use paper towel rolls).

Our Research project continues with us writing the information we learned about our animals habitats and adding the information we learned about our animals habitat into our dioramas. The next fact section we explore is our animal’s diet. This includes whether they are herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores and examples of what they typically eat.

We will have a Wildlife Biologist (Gianna's dad) visiting our class to share information about desert animals. I can not tell you how excited I am for this- what a wonderful learning opportunity for our Kindergartners!

10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, sight words, and working on alphabet letter sound fluency.

Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes each night. Time spent with the activities you got from Math Night is a great idea, too!

                 W.10 Shapes of everyday objects II
Your child may review any past objectives that you feel they may benefit from. Those in the D section may be worth a revisit.