This is a week that we focus on being thankful for the amazing lives that we all live. Fostering an attitude of thankfulness on a daily basis can make incredible benefits in each of our lives. Creating this attitude in our children can give them years of increased joy.
In our read aloud, we will meet a fun pair of turkey brothers names Turk and Runt. We will be adding another comprehension skill to our repertoire- retelling. This is a very important skill for students to develop. We have some traffic light cues that help us remember to talk about the three parts of a story.
Green: Beginning- This is where we meet our character and get to know them a little bit. We also take note of the setting.
Yellow: Middle- This is where we often discover the character's problem. We slow down to think about the different ways the character tries to solve the problem and/or note how things may get worse before they get better. We are really thinking about the events that take place. (This is the meatiest part of the retell.)
Red: Ending- This usually involves how the character's problem gets solved. Sometimes, there may be a cliffhanger left to leave the characters open to another adventure (story).
We note character's feelings and actions throughout the story.
Last week, we learned the Secret Stories of th, sh, and ch. This week, we learn about the tricky sounds that er-ir-ur, ar, and ormake and the stories behind them.
Our Kindergartners have been doing wonderful work on our very first PBL (Project Based Learning) project. This project has focused on getting to know our classmates, asking and answering questions, and sharing details that support their opinions. This week, they will be creating the posters that they will share with their classmates on Wednesday through a Community Share and the other Kindergarten class through a Gallery Walk on Thursday. I will be posting a slideshow of their finished products.
This week in math, students will be continuing their work with numbers 0-10. The concepts of one-more and especially one-less can be a bit difficult for our Kindergartners to become automatic with so spending a little extra time on them may be a good idea during homework.
As the end of our trimester nears, we will be conducting several assessments.
Important Upcoming Dates: Fall Break- N0 school the week of November 20th Conferences- December 8th (Friday)
Please send in your decorated turkey.
10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, sight words, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names.
Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.
Monday-C.12 Count one less - up to 10
10 minutes each night. Reading can include reading stories, the poems in the binder, sight words, and working on alphabet sounds and letter names.
Remember, math should be done for 10 minutes.
Monday-C.12 Count one less - up to 10
Tuesday - C.13 One more and one less - up to 10
C.14 Count one more and one less - up to 10

Thursday- C.15 Count up - with numbers
Skills can be revisited and repeated to increase your child's automaticity.